The 36-Hour Day: A Family Guide to Caring for People Who Have Alzheimer Disease and Other Dementias, 7th Edition

Learning Objectives
Identify concerns family members may face when someone receives an initial diagnosis of dementia.
Select the appropriate healthcare providers and diagnostic testing information for a person with dementia.
Identify the causes behind characteristic behavioral symptoms seen in people with dementia.
Formulate nursing care actions to take in addressing behavioral symptoms in people with dementia.
Formulate components of health teaching used when supporting persons with dementia.
Recognize the rationale behind problems that arise during the daily care of a person with dementia.
Select the appropriate care components for a person diagnosed with dementia.
Define the Six R's of behavior management and give an example of how to implement each.
List three indications of depression in a person with dementia.
Identify steps to be taken if the main caregiver is unable to provide care temporarily or permanently.
Course Type: Online
Course Offering: Home Study
Domain Focus: Psychosocial Concepts and Support Systems
Start Date:
End Date:
CE Credits: 14.00
Fee: $48.00
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