Social Networking Policy
The Commission for Case Management Certification (CCMC) understands that some certificants participate in social networking sites (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, X, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest) and chat rooms, and create and maintain personal websites, including blogs. CCMC respects certificants’ online social networking and personal Internet use. However, your online presence can affect CCMC as your words, images, posts, and comments can reflect or be attributed to CCMC. As a certificant, you should be mindful to use electronic media, responsibly and respectfully to others. Because certificants’ online comments and postings can impact CCMC, CCMC has adopted the following guidelines that certificants must observe when participating in social networking sites and/or engaging in other forms of Internet use.
DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed on this site do not necessarily represent the views of the Commission for Case Manager Certification (CCMC). This site is available to the public. No information you consider confidential should be posted on this site. By posting you agree to be solely responsible for the content of all information you contribute, link to, or otherwise upload to the website and release CCMC from any liability related to your use of the website or social media. All users of this site must agree to these guidelines and rules of conduct as outlined below. Through the acceptance or use of this site you agree that you have read and will follow the rules and guidelines established. Certificants are expected to abide by the CCM Code of Professional Conduct when participating in Social networking sites. It shall be considered a breach of acceptable certificant conduct to post on any public or private website or other forum, including but not limited to discussion lists, newsgroups, listservs, blogs, information sharing sites, social media sites, social or business networking sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Pinterest, chat rooms, telephone based group communications such as X, or any other electronic or print communication format, any of the following:
(1) Anything that may harm the goodwill or reputation of CCMC or any disparaging information about CCMC.
(2) Any disparaging, discriminatory or harassing information concerning any certificant,
commissioner, employee, vendor or other person associated with CCMC. CCMC’s policies prohibiting harassment apply online as well as offline.
(3) Any confidential information, trade secrets, or intellectual property of CCMC, including information relating to finances, research, development, marketing, customers, operational methods, plans and policies.
(4) Any private information relating to a certificant, employee or vendor of CCMC.
In addition:
• I grant the nonexclusive right and license to display, copy, publish, distribute, transmit, print, and use my posted messages, information or other material, unless such messages,
information, or other material will be used for commercial purposes.
• I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the commissioners, officers, agents, and employees of CCMC from any and all liability resulting from publication, distribution or redistribution
related to the posted material or the use of the material for any person (including any or all liability resulting from any "virus" or other contaminating or destructive feature of material posted or transmitted via of the social media sites).
• I agree to respect laws governing copyright and fair use or fair dealing of copyrighted
material owned by others, including CCMC’s own copyrights and brands. I will always
attribute quotes and excerpts of another author’s work to the original author/source. I will
use the practice of linking to another author’s work rather than reproducing it.
CCMC makes no representations, nor does it endorse or guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of any statements, offerings, opinions, advice or other information posted by users on this site. In no event shall CCMC be liable for any special, indirect, or consequential damages or damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of any information sent through these social media sites. While CCMC wishes to promote the privacy of individual social media site users consistent with CCMC policies, CCMC cannot guarantee the security or privacy of CCMC’s systems and networks or the networks and systems of others. This Policy applies regardless of where or when certificants post or communicate information online. It applies to posting and online activity at work, home or other locations. Be thoughtful about how you present yourself in online social networks. The lines between public and private, personal and professional are blurred in online social networks. By virtue of identifying yourself as a CCMC certificant within a social network, you are now connected to your colleagues, commissioners and even CCMC’s clients.
Use of CCMC sponsored sites is a privilege, not a right. CCMC reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to terminate or suspend a person(s) access to all or part of these services for any reason, including failure to comply with these participation guidelines. CCMC further reserves the right to modify these guidelines at any time, for any reason deemed appropriate.
Certificants who violate CCMC’s Social Networking Policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including revocation of CCM certification.