Exam Specific FAQs

How do I schedule my exam?

A: After applying for a CCM exam, being approved, and receiving your exam scheduling instructions, you can log into your CCMC account and choose "Manage Exam" to schedule your appointment.

Q: What is an acceptable form of ID to take the exam?

A: Acceptable forms of ID include:

  • Passport
  • Non-US Military ID (including spouse and dependents)
  • Identification card (national or local)
  • Registration card (green card, permanent residence, visa)

Unacceptable forms of ID:

  • Unacceptable forms of identification include renewal forms with expired IDs, government-issued name change documents with government ID
  • If your identification is not considered valid, you will not be permitted to complete your exam and you are unlikely to receive a refund.
  • temporary ID

By law, certain IDs must not be photocopied, digitized, or captured on camera. Because of this, Pearson VUE cannot accept restricted IDs (including but not limited to U.S. military or certain secure access IDs) as identification for online testing. 

Q - How many testing locations are available for me to choose from?

A - Candidates will be able to choose from approximately 5,000 test administration centers in 180+ countries and territories.

Q: What is the admission policy for testing in person at a testing center?

A: We ask that you arrive at the test center 30 minutes before your scheduled appointment time. This will give you adequate time to complete the necessary sign-in procedures. If you arrive more than 15 minutes late for your appointment, you may be refused admission and the exam fees will be forfeited.

You will be required to present one form of original (no photocopies), valid (unexpired) government-issued ID that includes your name, photograph, and signature. The first and last name that you used to register must match exactly the first and last name on the ID that is presented on test day. All IDs required must be issued by the country in which you are testing. If you do not have the qualifying ID issued from the country you are testing in, an International Travel Passport from your country of citizenship is required. If you have any questions or concerns about the ID you are required to bring with you to the testing center for admittance for your exam please contact Pearson VUE customer service at https://home.pearsonvue.com/Test-takers/Customer-service.aspx. To view the full ID policy, including any additional allowances to this policy, please visit  http://www.pearsonvue.com/policies/1.pdf.

(will not accept temporary ID) 

No personal items may be taken into the testing room. This includes all bags, books not authorized by the sponsor, notes, phones, pagers, watches and wallets.

Q: Will I receive directions to the testing center?

A: Once you schedule your exam, you will receive a confirmation email with all the important information. This will include the date and time of testing, location, and directions to the testing center.

Q - My CCM exam was canceled due to testing center closures. How can I reschedule to take my exam online through remote proctoring?

A - If a test center closure impacts you, you will receive an email or phone call from Pearson VUE with information on how to reschedule your exam.

Tip: Be sure to keep your email address up to date in your account profile and don’t forget to list Pearson VUE as an approved sender!

Q - I need special testing accommodations. Will CCMC help me?

A- If you require any special accommodations (extra time, separate room, medication, religious/mobility accommodations, etc.) to take the upcoming exam and are not listed on the approved comfort list, please indicate that you will require accommodations when you fill out your initial application. Directly in the application, you will have the option to indicate what is needed and upload a copy of a physician's note or any other information. The deadline to request a special accommodation is the end of the application window. See the application timeline here.
*All no-show appointments with special accommodations will be subject to a $200 fee. 

Q- I am not sure if I should take my exam and a testing center or at home. Is there any advice you can provide? 

A- Take a look at the decision tree here!

Q - What can I expect when I arrive at the testing center?

A – Please take a moment to view the informational videos below:

Q - Will I be able to take a break during my exam if I test at a testing center?

A - You may leave the testing room for any reasonable purpose (such as using the restroom). However, you will need to notify Pearson VUE staff and then sign back in when you return. The exam clock continues to run during breaks, there is no “pause” button on the exam.

Q - My scheduled exam date is approaching, but I would rather take my exam online. How can I reschedule and opt to take the exam online through remote proctoring?

A – Please log into your account and choose “Manage exam” to reschedule. 

Q - In what languages are the online exams offered through Pearson VUE?

A - CCM online exams and communication will be conducted in English only. If you require a proctor, please notify CCMC staff immediately. 

Q - Where do I go to check in on exam day for my remote proctored exam?

A: On exam day: 

  • We recommend logging into your account 30 minutes early to start the check-in process and to allow for any troubleshooting. 
  • This allows optimal preparedness but does not guarantee an early admittance or start time.
  • If you are more than 15 minutes late after your scheduled exam time, you will be unable to begin your exam and you will not receive a refund.

How do I check in on the day of my remote exam appointment? 

  1. Select Check-in to start exam on your confirmation, reschedule or reminder emails, OR
  2. Log in: https://home.pearsonvue.com/ccmc/onvue
  3. View your upcoming appointment.
  4. Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the check-in process.
  5. You will need to complete check-in before you can start your exam. 

Q - How do I ensure the OnVUE system is compatible with my computer and what are the technical requirements?

A - To ensure your computer will be compatible, please visit https://home.pearsonvue.com/Standalone-pages/OnVUE-tips.aspx

Read all the requirements  information here: https://home.pearsonvue.com/op/OnVUE-technical-requirements

Q: Can I test my computer before my scheduled exam?

A- YES! It is encouraged,

By running this test using the same computer and internet connection you plan to use for your exam, you can feel confident about your setup. Plus, you get a preview of the check-in and exam launch processes.

We suggest running the system test at approximately the same time of day you expect to take your exam, to get a better feel for the internet connection you’re likely to have. If you run the system test at 10:00 pm and take your exam at 2:00 pm, the bandwidth available may be quite different.

We recommend running the system test again two to three days before your exam. This will identify any issues that might arise from automatic software downloads, background upgrades, etc.

The system test check-in and exam are only simulated. Your answer to the sample exam question posed will not be checked or retained. You can run the system test as many times as needed.

If your setup fails the system test or doesn’t meet minimum requirements, you can take your exam at a testing center instead.

Test your system here

Q - Can I use a corporate computer for my remote exam?

A - When testing online, you’ll provide your own computer equipment, so be sure you’ve got the following before exam day:

  • Required: a desktop or a laptop computer. Tablets can only be used as a screen, paired with an external keyboard. Touch screens cannot be used for your exam.
  • Required: a single monitor. Remove any extra monitors from the testing room, or at least unplug them before taking your test-space photos during check-in.
  • Required if using an external monitor with a laptop: an external mouse, keyboard, and webcam, and the lid of your laptop must remain closed throughout your exam.
  • Recommended: a personal computer rather than an employer-issued computer, which may have additional security settings that can interfere with your exam.

Q - How does a remote exam work?

A - Similar to test center-based testing, online proctored testing requires that you be monitored by a proctor while you take your exam via your microphone and webcam. Before starting the exam, the candidate must present a valid, unexpired government-issued ID that is both signature and photo-bearing. Both ID signature and print must match the candidate’s name in demographics and look like the candidate. Acceptable forms of identification include a driver’s license, military identification card, passport, state identification card, and a valid national identification card. Your image and pictures of your surroundings will be captured. Once you begin the exam, you will not be permitted to leave the room or move out of the proctor’s view. You will not be authorized to take a break during the duration of the exam. 

Q - What should I do if I have technical issues during a remote proctored exam?

A - Your proctor attempts to resolve technical issues in real-time. If an issue cannot be resolved, the proctor will file a case on your behalf. Please contact the Commission as soon as possible.

Q- Why would Pearson VUE revoke my exam?

A- If a Pearson VUE staff determines that a candidate’s actions during the exam violate exam procedures, which includes but is not limited to the use of a cell phone during the exam, taking an unauthorized break, cheating, or if it is discovered that eligibility was obtained under false pretenses, eligibility can be revoked, the exam will shut down, and exam results invalidated, in accordance with the agreements confirmed by candidates in the online application. 

Q - Where can I take my remote proctored exam?

A - The place where you’ll take your exam is one of your most crucial decisions. For best results, prepare your testing environment before exam day to ensure it will be:

  • Private: Ideally, choose an enclosed space that allows for privacy and prevents others from entering or even passing through once you’ve started your exam. Avoid testing near windows or glass partitions to prevent others from viewing your screen.
  • Quiet: Background noise may distract proctors monitoring your exam session and could interfere with your session.
  • Free from interruptions: Inform any other members of your household that you are taking an exam and cannot be interrupted during it.
  • Well lit: Proctors must be able to see you and your testing space well. Too much background light (natural or electric) could create visibility issues for your proctor, so avoid sitting in front of a window or other strong light.
  • Cleared of personal and preparatory items: Clear your desk/workspace of all personal and preparatory items, except for those allowed by your exam program, which must be on the desk during check-in. Keep your mobile phone in the room where you’re testing, but out of arm’s reach; it must be available should we need to contact you.

Q - Will I be able to use my phone while taking my remote proctored exam?

A - The use of mobile phones is prohibited during your exam. Using your phone may result in your exam session being terminated and you should prepare to be unreachable by phone while taking your exams. Mobile phones and other electronic devices must be placed out of arm's reach before you begin your exam. If there is a technical software issue during the exam, the proctor will try to contact you online using the software. If the proctor cannot contact you via software, they will call you at the phone number you provided during the check-in process.

Q- What if I use my phone during the exam or take an unauthorized break?

A - If a Pearson VUE staff determines that a candidate’s actions during the exam violate exam procedures, which includes but is not limited to the use of a cell phone during the exam, taking an unauthorized break, cheating, or if it is discovered that eligibility was obtained under false pretenses, eligibility can be revoked, the exam will shut down, and exam results invalidated, in accordance with the agreements confirmed by candidates in the online application. 

Q - Will I be able to take a bathroom break while testing remotely?

A - You will NOT be authorized to leave your computer screen for any reason. If you feel that you will need breaks, please consider testing at a testing center. 


Q - I had an unforeseen circumstance happen to me. I would like to defer to the next cycle. What do I do?

A - You can request a one-time deferment by first contacting Pearson VUE via their website to cancel the original exam appointment. Then contact CCMC Customer Service at 856-380-6836 or ccmchq@ccmcertification.org to set up a deferment ($85). Deferment can be made any time between the time of initial approval and the week before the last day of the next exam cycle. If you do not take the exam in the first available cycle and you fail to schedule a deferral, you will need to complete a new application and pay application and exam fees ($420)

Q - How many questions are on the exam?

A - The exam consists of 180 multiple-choice questions. 150 are operational and 30 are pretest items. The exam is comprised of 5 major domains and 59 subdomains. You will have 3 hours to complete the content portion of the test.

Q - Will I receive instant results once I complete my online remote exam?

A - Upon completion of the computer-based examination, you will receive a preliminary pass or non-pass result that will display on your screen. CCMC will email you the official exam results within six weeks of the end of the exam period.

Q - If I did not pass, how will I be notified of my performance on the exam?

A - CCMC receives the official results from Pearson VUE about 2 weeks after the last day of the exam administration. All candidates will receive an email notification to check their account for their results. For those who did not pass, the exam results will include their performance for each domain. CCMC exams apply three domain breakdown levels: Deficient, Marginal, and Proficient.

Q: I did not pass the exam, how do I interpret my domain breakdown?

A: CCMC exams apply three domain breakdown levels: Deficient (1), Marginal (2), and Proficient (3)

Disclaimer: The domain diagnostic information is intended to provide you with feedback on your performance in each domain area, i.e. your demonstrated areas of strengths and weaknesses. However, prior success in one content area does not guarantee repeated success in the same content area on another attempt at the exam. Therefore, you should use this feedback as a guide to help determine areas to focus on should you elect to retake the exam.

1. Deficient - The score you obtained is below an acceptable level; substantial study of this content area is recommended prior to retaking the examination.

2. Marginal - The score you obtained is near an acceptable level; study of this content area is recommended prior to retaking the examination.

3. Proficient - The score you obtained in this domain is at or above the acceptable level. A review of this content area may be helpful to you prior to retaking the examination.

 Q - What is the CCM Exam Pass rate?

A- Pass rate is defined as the percentage of people who pass the exam each time it is administered. This rate varies with each administration as well as for first-time exam candidates vs. retake candidates. The pass rate is NOT the exam candidate's score on the exam. For example, annual exam results are included below:

The below chart shows the total numbers from April 1 - December 1, 2024.

Exam Administrations

Total Number of Candidates

Total Candidate % Passed

Total CCM Certificants Overall*
April 2024,  August 2024 & December 2024 6,231 76% 49,496

* The total certificants column fluctuates frequently based on The Commission's renewal cycles and eligible candidates. 

Q - I failed the exam. What are my options?

A - You can schedule a retake ($195) for the next cycle by contacting Customer Service at 856-380-6836 or ccmchq@ccmcertification.org. The candidate is only permitted one retake per application. The application is only VALID for two consecutive exam windows. If you do not schedule the retake in the next consecutive cycle, you will have to re-apply and pay the application and exam fee ($420).