Q - Do I need to submit a new application for re-certification?
A - You will need to complete an online renewal form, submit a copy of your current license, enter your 80 hours of CE, and pay the $285 renewal fee plus any post-approved CE review fees.
Q - When can I submit my recertification?
A - You will be able to complete your renewal approximately 3 months prior to the “valid through” date printed on your certificate. The online renewal application is activated at this time.
Q - How often must I renew my certification?
A - Every 5 years. The valid through date is printed on your certificate.
Q - I missed the renewal deadline. Can I still renew?
A - CCMC will accept and review formal late renewal requests submitted within the first 30 days after the “valid through” date printed on the individual’s certificate. To be considered, the CCM must have the following: Documentation of 80 hours of CE, meet the initial education requirements, and a clear and compelling reason with documentation for having missed the deadline. If a request is approved, the CCM will need to pay the standard renewal fee plus an additional late fee ($285 + $175). Late renewal requests submitted after 30 days are considered denied without review. Not receiving notification of the renewal deadline or lack of awareness of the renewal deadline or process are not valid excuses.
Q - How do I renew my certification?
A - At the time of renewal, you will need to have accrued 80 hours of CE,, pay $285 renewal fee, and complete the online renewal applications, and meet the requirements within it.
Q - What is the fee for recertification?
A - Renewal through CE: $285, Renewal through re-examination: $470 (includes renewal and exam fee) plus any post-approved CE review fees ($15/ea).
Q - What is the difference between post-approval and pre-approval CE?
A - Pre-approved courses have been approved by CCMC. Simply ask the course sponsor prior to registering. When you complete the activity, the sponsor will provide you with an attendance verification form that includes the CCMC approval number and the activity code. Any activity that involves a focus area described in the Renewal Guide can be submitted for approval on a post-approval basis. There is a processing fee of $15/course. The fees are automatically calculated for you on the website application with easy-to-follow instructions for payment.
Q - Where can I find CE providers?
A - The CE providers listed on the CCMC website are provided as a service to our certificants and are not meant as an endorsement of any of the listed programs. Providers pay a fee to be listed and may not be pre-approved by CCMC. It is up to the individual to verify pre-approval status with the provider.
Q - What are the fees for post-approval courses?
A - Single program post-approval is $15 per course.
Q - What options do I have for renewal?
A - There are 2 renewal options:
1. Documentation of 80 hours of approved CE
2. Re-examination
Q - How do I enter CE?
A - Login to your CCM Dashboard and enter your courses as pre-approved or post-approved.
Q - What should I do if I am entering pre-approved credits and can’t find the activity code and approval number?
A - If it is not on your certificate of attendance, you must contact the provider.
Q - If I earn more than 80 clock hours in a five-year period, may I apply the excess to the next renewal cycle?
A - No, you cannot. Since continuing education is intended to keep certificants current with emerging trends and technologies, CE's must be earned within your current 5-year cycle.
Q – Will I be charged for post-approved CE entered after I reach 80 CE?
A – Yes, you will be charged a review fee for all post-approved CE entered so enter only your required number of CE’s.
Q - Can I send in my CE documentation?
A - No, certificants must document their CE activities online. Please save all documentation in case your transcript is audited. You will need to provide all certificates of attendance at that point.
Q - What is the deadline for renewing through re-examination?
A - A CCM must exercise the re-examination option before the “valid through” date on their certificate, or the CCM designation will expire. Individuals with expired CCM designations are not permitted to resume using the CCM credential until they have successfully applied for and passed the examination.