The 2024 Certified Case Manager® (CCM) Job Task Analysis ensures that the CCM certification exam reflects the current knowledge, skills, and tasks necessary for safe, ethical, and effective case management practice. This rigorous process validates that the exam content aligns with real-world professional responsibilities, reinforcing the CCM credential as the gold standard in case management. To provide additional clarity and address common inquiries, we’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions about the CCM Job Task Analysis process and how it will impact future CCM exams.
What is the 2024 CCM Job Task Analysis?
The Commission for Case Manager Certification (CCMC®) conducts a job task analysis every 5 years to verify that the CCM exam remains valid, reliable, and reflective of current professional practice. This analysis identifies the essential tasks performed by professional case managers in their day-to-day work, as well as the knowledge and skills needed to perform those tasks.
Conducting a job task analysis every five years is consistent with CCMC's policies, aligns with industry best practices for credentialing programs, and is required by the standards set by the Institute for Credentialing Excellence to remain NCAA accredited. It validates that the exam content reflects the real-world responsibilities of today’s case managers and supports the credibility and relevance of the CCM credential. This analysis also highlights why the CCM signifies excellence in case management.
CCMC contracted Data Recognition Corporation (DRC) to conduct the 2024 CCM Job Task Analysis.
Who was surveyed? And when?
In June 2024, the Commission sent invitations to 68,536 professionals in the case management industry, including current Board-Certified Case Managers and other professionals in the field. The survey ran from June 3 to June 21, 2024, and received 2,145 responses. The survey results were then reviewed by a diverse panel of case management subject matter experts.
What were the demographics of those surveyed?
- Gender: 96% were women.
- CCM credential holders: 95% were CCM certificants.
- New to the profession: 40% had entered case management within the last 5 years.
- Professional backgrounds: 79% were registered nurses, and 11% were social workers.
How will the JTA findings impact the CCM exam?
The 2024 Job Task Analysis introduced several updates to the CCM exam to improve clarity, reduce redundancies, and align with current practice. The August 2025 CCM exam and all subsequent exams (until the 2029 JTA) will reflect these updates. The updates include adjustments to the exam blueprint and content organization to ensure alignment with current practice. Major changes include:
- More logical distribution of tasks and objectives within the domains
Domain 1 from the 2019 blueprint, previously titled “Care Delivery and Reimbursement Methods,” was split into two distinct domains: Domain 1: Care Management (30% weight) and Domain 2: Reimbursement Methods (12% weight). This change is also representative of the current overall frequency and importance of these two knowledge areas as indicated by the survey respondents and JTA subject matter expert panelists. As a result, the collective weight of these two domains increased, and separating the content into two domains improved clarity that will help candidates better prepare for the CCM exam, as they can focus on well-defined and specific objectives in each area. In other words, the updated 2024 blueprint includes the new Domain 1: Care Management which now has 18 objectives and accounts for 30% of items. This is a significant change, emphasizing the importance of knowledge and skills required for competency in the area of care management. In contrast, the entire combined Domain 1 in 2019 had 28% of items. The new 2024 Domain 2: Reimbursements Methods has 10 objectives and has been designated 12% of items in the blueprint.
- A new focus on client advocacy
The addition of client advocacy capabilities (Objective 6.10) to Domain 6: Ethical, Legal, and Practice Standards highlight the importance of advocacy in the field of case management.
- Six domains instead of five
With the division of Domain 1 into two separate domains, there are now a total of six domains in the updated exam blueprint. The redistribution of item weights and refinements to objectives ensures that the CCM exam reflects current practice standards and remains a valid, reliable measure of case management competencies.
When will exam prep materials be updated to reflect the new CCM exam?
Official CCM exam preparation materials, aligned with the updated CCM Exam Guidelines, will be released in Spring 2025. These resources will include a new practice exam, updated Certification 360™ Workshops, and refreshed quiz mobile app to support candidates in their exam preparation.
I’m planning to sit for the August CCM exam. How will this affect me?
Candidates taking the August 2025 CCM exam will NOT receive immediate pass/no pass notification because a standard-setting process must be completed whenever a new exam blueprint is introduced to establish a cut (or passing) score for the exam. Candidates will be notified via email that the results have been uploaded to their CCMC account within 90 days of the end of the testing window. If you have questions about this process, please email
My employer requires certification. How do I explain the delay in getting my CCM exam results back?
Here’s an explanation you can offer your employer:
The CCM® exam results are delayed because the Commission for Case Manager Certification® (CCMC®) is implementing a new exam blueprint based on the 2024 Job Task Analysis. This ensures the exam reflects current professional standards and practice. While results are delayed due to additional statistical analyses required for the updated exam, it does not impact my certification timeline. If I pass the exam, my official certification start date will be retroactive to September 1, 2025. This delay is standard when updates are made to ensure the exam’s validity and fairness, and it reflects CCMC’s commitment to maintaining a high-quality, trusted certification process.
I already have my CCM. How will this affect me?
Renewal guidelines for the CCM will remain the same.
I have questions about the JTA; who can I contact?
Please send any questions or concerns to