Host a Workshop

Thank you for your commitment to Case Management! CCMC® is eager to work with case management professionals throughout the industry to encourage accredited board-certification of case managers. The Certification Exam is at the core of what we do and the certification workshops support that.

Our workshop cost is $599 per attendee, which is the same cost per attendee for our workshops held in D.C.  For that $599, each participant receives the same two-day intensive workshop presented by leaders in the case management field, the Practice Exam, Case Management Handbook, 6th Ed., and a one-year subscription to our CMBOK®. 

In order for our costs to be met, we require that the host can guarantee a minimum of 40 attendees, and these can be from within your organization and, if necessary, open it to outside attendees.  Depending on the size of your facility, we are able to effectively handle up to approximately 60 participants. We would also require that you provide the meeting space (as you've already noted); provide audio, visual and logistics for the presentation; and breakfast, lunch and snack for both days for the attendees, trainers (2) and CCMC staff support (1 or 2).  In addition to the items mentioned above, CCMC will take care of the registrations, collections, marketing, all meeting materials (books, workbook, and log in information for the Practice Exam and CMBOK), name badges and staff support. 

For all inquiries, please contact us at or call us at 856-380-6836.