Probiotics, the Immune System, & Mental Health

Learning Objectives
Identify the human microbiota, including bacteria (probiotics) and beneficial fiber (prebiotics).
Describe the effects of human microbiota with regard to the digestive, immune and mental health conditions.
List the pro- and anti-inflammatory influences, including those of essentials lipids and amino acids.
Identify interventions to address chronic inflammation, pathological appetite, and mental health manifestations of microbiome imbalance.
Identify mental health consequences of gastrointestinal pathobionts as related to various mental disorders.
Discuss the role of the immune system with regard to cariogenic bacteria and regeneration of dentin.
Describe how the information in this course can be utilized to improve patient care and patient outcomes.
Describe, for this course, the implications for dentistry, mental health, nursing, and other healthcare professions.