Moderate Sedation/Analgesia

Course Provider
Learning Objectives
1. Define moderate sedation, including the goals and objectives.
2. Detail the necessary components of the preprocedural patient care period, including patient aassessment, selection, and preparation.
3. List the duties and responsibilities of those who provide care for the patient receiving moderate sedation medications.
4. Detail patient care provided during the postsedation period, including the minimal parameters that should be met by the patient prior to discharge after sedation.
5. Present the advantages and disadvantages of the various methods and routes of medication administration
6. Review the most commonly used pharmacologic agents for moderate sedation.
7. List the advantages, disadvantages, and limitations of pulse oximetry and end-tidal carbon dioxide monitoring in the sedation setting.
8. Describe the various techniques for cardiac monitoring. Explain the advantages of each of these methods.
9. Outline the role of bispectral indexing in moderate sedation patients.
10. Develop a sedation documentation form that includes the appropriate information.
Course Type: Online
Course Offering: Home Study
Domain Focus: Healthcare Management and Delivery
Start Date:
End Date:
CE Credits: 15.00
Fee: $90.00
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