Geriatric Failure to Thrive: A Multidimensional Problem

Course Provider
Learning Objectives
Define the various conditions responsible for unintended weight loss in geriatric patients, including geriatric failure to thrive.
Analyze various ethical and legal issues that can arise when treating geriatric patients failure to thrive and the role of advance directives in ameliorating some of these issues.
Outline necessary components of the physical assessment and differential diagnosis of geriatric failure to thrive.
Evaluate the role of polypharmacy in unintended weight loss in elderly patients.
Describe the role of mental health screening in geriatric failure to thrive patients.
Create a treatment plan for a geriatric failure to thrive patients, including possible pharmacotherapy approaches and areas for monitoring and follow-up.
Identify geriatric failure to thrive patients for whom hospice referral should be considered.