End of Life Conversations: The Interface of Legal, Medical and Ethical Realities

Course Provider
Learning Objectives
Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of legal considerations surrounding end-of-life decisions, including identifying advance directives, living wills, and the legal implications of medical choices.
Describe the medical aspects of end-of-life care, including managing terminal illness, providing palliative care, and discussing the role of healthcare professionals in decision-making.
Examine the ethical dimensions of end-of-life decision-making, analyzing issues such as autonomy, dignity, and the balance between prolonging life and ensuring a quality end-of-life experience.
Employ communication strategies to facilitate compassionate and open conversations about end-of-life preferences, ensuring clarity and understanding among all stakeholders
Apply proficiency in guiding individuals through advance care planning, including facilitating discussions on treatment preferences, selecting healthcare proxies, and preparing other legal documentation.
Recognize the importance of collaboration among legal, medical, and ethical professionals to ensure a holistic approach to end-of-life care that respects individual choices and values.
Demonstrate knowledge of the legal documentation required for end-of-life decisions, including executing and interpreting advance directives, living wills, and durable power of attorney for healthcare.
Exhibit cultural competence in addressing diverse perspectives on end-of-life care, acknowledging and respecting the cultural, religious, and spiritual beliefs of individuals and their families.
Apply skills in assessing decision-making capacity in individuals facing end-of-life choices, recognizing factors that may impact capacity and understanding the legal implications surrounding capacity assessments.
Implement strategies for fostering compassionate, person-centered decision-making at the end of life, ensuring that individuals' wishes are honored while navigating legal and ethical considerations.
Course Type: In Person
Course Offering: Seminar/Workshop
Domain Focus: Ethical, Legal, and Practice Standards, Healthcare Reimbursement, Healthcare Management and Delivery, Psychosocial Concepts and Support Systems, Psychosocial Aspects
Start Date:
End Date:
CE Credits: 1.00
Fee: $0.00
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