Course 6: Harm Reduction in Complex Care

Learning Objectives
Name the definition and core principles of harm reduction.
Articulate why practicing harm reduction is beneficial to the people you serve.
Describe how equity relates to harm reduction
Reflect on your own biases and judgements about drug use and other health-related behaviors.
Demonstrate harm reduction practices.
Use the risk, set, and setting model to identify specific areas where harm can be reduced.
Overcome common challenges to practicing harm reduction.
Articulate the impact of harm reduction policies and practices at an organizational level.
Name organizational harm reduction policies and practices.
Advocate for harm reduction policies and practices at their organization.
Course Type: Online
Course Offering: Home Study
Domain Focus: Healthcare Management and Delivery, Psychosocial Concepts and Support Systems, Psychosocial Aspects
Start Date:
End Date:
CE Credits: 1.00
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