CM Exceptional Care/Boot Camp

Learning Objectives
Discuss the role of a case manager as a coordinator, patient advocate, problem solver, and educator.
Identify strategies to apply when coordinating a successful return to work for an injured worker.
Discuss and identify strategies of effective communication between the case manager and injured worker, adjuster, medical providers, employers, and vendors.
Discuss and identify an evidence-based healthcare plan and how it aligns with Official Disability Guidelines and recommendations.
List and discuss the 4-point contact on a Workers Compensation File.
Discuss and list the 6 essential activities of case management and how it coincides with expectations of proper documentation in reports.
Course Type: Online
Course Offering: Webinar
Domain Focus: Ethical, Legal, and Practice Standards, Case Management Concepts, Healthcare Management and Delivery, Rehabilitation
Start Date:
End Date:
CE Credits: 1.00