The Case Manager's Handbook, Sixth Edition

Learning Objectives
Discuss the definition of case management
Illustrate the CCMC six core components of case management.
Identify at least one concern regarding today's health care delivery system.
Describe the importance of addressing both behavioral and medical client issues.
List one principle comprising ethical prefessional conduct
Discuss the potential impact of your own cultural bias or prejudice, if any.
Identify one key element that outcomes and cost benefit analysis reports must include to satisfy today's demanding markets.
List two consequences of polypharmacy
List one document that outlines a case manager's legal responsibilities.
Discuss at least one aspect of introducing the new role of case management to a team.
Course Type: Online
Course Offering: Home Study
Domain Focus: Care Delivery and Reimbursement Methods, Ethical, Legal, and Practice Standards, Healthcare Reimbursement, Case Management Concepts, Healthcare Management and Delivery, Principles of Practice, Psychosocial Concepts and Support Systems, Psychosocial Aspects, Quality and Outcomes Evaluation and Measurements, Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation Concepts and Strategies Go to the Mullahy & Associates website then to MarketPlace then to Home Study Program to order.
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CE Credits: 41.00
Fee: $299.00
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