Care Excellence Foundational Series for Hospital Care Managers - Relationship Building Across Settings

Learning Objectives
Define the purpose of multidisciplinary teams, and the potential challenges and solutions to developing them; the role of various professionals within the team; the differences between communication and collaboration; and best practices for effective communication and collaboration within the team.
Define patient engagement and supporting concepts; explain how patient engagement impacts health outcomes, patient and family experiences, and healthcare costs; administer patient engagement measurement tools; apply strategies for improving engagement and sustaining patient and engagement
How to apply techniques for clarifying messaging; consider how cultural insensitivity can create communication challenges; and help learners apply techniques for managing emotions during communication.
Discuss the need for community partnerships to ensure patient care and successful recovery and self-management; and discover where to access information about community agencies that serve diverse patient needs
Course Type: Online
Course Offering: Home Study
Domain Focus: Care Delivery and Reimbursement Methods
Start Date:
End Date:
CE Credits: 12.00
Fee: $336.00
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