Annual Employee Ownership Meeting 2023

Learning Objectives
Participants will be able to describe the corporate goals for 2023 and how it impacts ongoing CM practice.
Participants will be able to identify the changes being implemented in our organizational structure and how it impacts delivery of case management services.
Participants will be able to identify the changes taking place in the case management industry and our current business environment and discuss how these changes have affected our day-to-day work with clients and customers.
Participants will be able to describe how the transition to becoming employee owned, impacts the provision of quality case management services.
Participants will be able to explain the financial impact of being an ESOP and how this impacts case management services and the provision of quality care.
Participants will be able to identify members of the EOC and how to communicate with EOC members to assist the company in providing quality case management.
Participants will be able to explain components of a Work Hardening Program (WHP)
Participants will be able to identify components of a FCE
Participants will be able to demonstrate key information needed for a referral for WHP or FCE.
Participants will be able to define what a repetitive strain injury (RSI) is and determine associated diagnoses.