Course Provider
Learning Objectives
1)To validate the importance of safety in the workplace by the overview of treatment and techniques of an actual injured worker.
2)To demonstrate surgical procedures for total knee replacement and follow up care and rehabilitation.
3)To identify the types, causes, symptoms of acquired head injuries and how to best coordinate care.
4)To discuss recent changes and updates to the SC Workers Compensation system as administered by the SC Workers Compensation Commission including revisions to operations and protocols, hearing venues as well as pending legislation, Commissioner confirmations briefing of new software for reporting purposes and the Commissioners perspectives on items that make a case or break a case.
5)To share how to best communicate and work with various professionals in the workers compensation system to provide the best outcome for clients.
6)To share updated case law relating to workers compensation.
7)To identify best practices in management of a workers compensation accident investigation.
8)To provide an overview of subrogation and how it works in the workers compensation system.
9)To pinpoint how losses are determined and which business/companies bear responsibility for the injured worker.
10)One-on-one question and answer period with Commissioners of the SC Workers Compensation Commission.