Virna Little, PsyD, LCSW-r, MBA, CCM, SAP
Associate Director, Clinical Innovation
Case managers are the communication hub of the health care team. Integrating behavioral health into primary care delivery brings its own communication challenges—whether it’s a single case manager working with a variety of providers, or it’s several case managers trying to determine who should manage communication for the team. This webinar will discuss the challenges and provide best practices to enhance team communication in the integrated behavioral health environment.
Learning Outcomes:
- Outline the significance of team communication in integrated behavioral health and value-based payment models (e.g., medical home, accountable care organizations, Medicaid managed care efforts and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation Center demonstrations);
- Describe key challenges to efficient team communication in the integrated care environment;
- Discuss best practices for overcoming team communication challenges; and
- Explain a process for “coordinating the coordinators,” or determining which case manager should lead when more than one case manager is working with a patient at the same time.
Registration required. Space is limited, and seats will go fast.
TWO options to participate!
Free webinar only, no CE credit, or One CE CONTACT HOUR for board-certified case manager (CCM) registrants ($25 fee)
Register for CEs and Webinar ($25 fee)
Register for Free Webinar Only
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