Ellen Fink-Samnick, MSW, ACSW, LCSW, CCM, CRP
EFS Supervision Strategies, LLC
Bullying in health care can be an interprofessional team sport. Left unaddressed, it taxes team dynamics, lowers self-esteem and team morale and negatively impacts workforce retention. It also affects patient safety and the quality of care delivery. This webinar explores the scope and incidence of how bullying impacts patients and the workforce, presenting models and strategies to proactively address these situations. It offers tactical and ethical guidance on how to confront and master this widespread issue.
Learning Outcomes:
- Define common types of bullying across the health care workplace;
- Explore the incidence and scope of workplace bullying;
- Discuss the implications for case management practice; and
- Provide strategies to manage bullying and empower workplace resilience.
TWO options to participate!
Free webinar only, no CE credit or One Ethics CE CONTACT HOUR for board-certified case manager (CCM) registrants ($25 fee).
Register for CE and Webinar ($25 fee)
Register for Free Webinar Only
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