Patty Nunez served as Director in the Claim Vendor Management office at CNA. She led a team responsible for overall claim and sourcing strategy, data and analytics and supplier governance and management for workers compensation, general liability, and specialty lines of business. In her time at CNA, in addition to being in supply management she has held Case Management Manager and Medical Management Director positions.
Patty possesses a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Rutgers University, and a Master of Arts degree in Rehabilitation Counseling from Seton Hall University. Patty has a long history of professional service and leadership roles in organizations such as the American Counseling Association, the American Rehabilitation Counseling Association, the National Rehabilitation Counseling Association, the Foundation for Rehabilitation Education & Research, the California Association of Licensed Professional Clinical Counselors, and the Los Angeles World Airports ADA Advisory Committee.
Her dedication and passion for her profession can also be seen by her service on accreditation and certification boards. Patty served on the Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification holding leadership positions on diverse committees and served twice as Chair. She served as a Commissioner on the Certification of Disability Management Specialist Commission. Patty served as a public member on the Council on Rehabilitation Education (CORE) and as President of the CORE Board, during which time CORE merged with the Council on Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP), to form one unified accrediting body in the Counseling profession. Patty is dually certified as a CCM and CDMS and has served the Commission as a volunteer for many years in both capacities.
Personal Statement
I am honored to serve on the Commission, where our focus is to advance and advocate for consumer protection, quality case management practice, ethical standards & behaviors and development and dissemination of knowledge in our profession. We do all of this through certification and interrelated programs and services. I was proud when I sat for each of the examinations for my certifications and have always felt it was important for me to maintain my CCM and CDMS through continuing education, and compliance with a Code of Professional Conduct. I look forward to the coming year and continuing to bring passion and enthusiasm to my role as a Commissioner and Chair-elect of the Commission for Case Manager Certification.