CCM Exam Practice Items

The Commission has created a practice items to help you prepare and study for the CCM® exam. 

Purchase the CCM exam practice items through the CMLearning Network (link below). You will be prompted to log in using your CCMC credentials.

Please note that you will have unlimited 7-day access upon purchasing the practice exam.

After you complete your purchase, you will have access to the practice items immediately.

Once you submit your answers at the end, the system will let you know which questions were incorrect and will give you the correct answer. You may retake the CCM exam practice items as many times as you would like. 

You can log back in and visit this page to re-access this anytime within the 7-day limit. When you re-access it,  you will receive the same 100 questions, but they will be randomized and shown in a different numerical order.

REFUND POLICY: There will be no refunds given after you have purchased it.

For questions, please contact CCMC Headquarters at 856-380-6836 or


Disclaimer: The CCM® exam is practice-based, meaning all questions are based on the knowledge that an experienced case manager should know and understand. Purchasing study materials is optional and not required to take the exam. Attending or purchasing courses or study materials is not a guarantee of passing the exam. The Commission does not endorse or approve any study materials