Gerontological Nursing, Tenth Edition

Learning Objectives
Identify characteristics of today's older population regarding life expectancy, income and employment, and health status.
Recognize workplace implications for the elderly population.
Delineate the change in focus regarding learning about the factors that influence aging.
Identify the major stochastic theories of biologic aging.
Specify how gerontological nurses can apply theories of aging in nursing practice.
List projected changes in the diversity of the older population in the United States.
Recognize unique views of health and healing among major ethnic groups.
Identify ways in which nursing care may need to be modified to accomodate persons of diverse backgrounds.
Define ageism and its consequences.
Recognize the changes that occur in aging families.
Course Type: Online
Course Offering: Home Study
Domain Focus: Care Delivery and Reimbursement Methods
Start Date:
End Date:
CE Credits: 36.00
Fee: $112.00
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